Dr Piers Robinson, ‘War Propaganda Today – the outsourcing of propaganda and consequences for open debate and democratic accountability’, presented at Mediensystem und Öffentliche Sphäre in Der Krise workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich. June 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘International Organisations and Realpolitik: the case of the OPCW and alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syria’, Research Seminar Series, Department of Media and Communication, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 17 April 2023.
‘The Douma incident of 7 April 2018: what do we know about the OPCW investigation?’ Presentation by Paul McKeigue to round table meeting of the Harvard Sussex Program on Chemical and Biological Weapons’, 6 March 2020.
House of Commons Presentation Concerning OPCW Leaks about Douma: ‘OPCW leaks reveal the International Community was mislead with regard to the alleged chemical weapons incident in Douma, Syria, 2018’, Presenters:- David Miller, Piers Robinson, Paul McKeigue, Jonathan Steele. Chair John Holmes, Organiser Sheila Coombes/Frome Stop the War. 22 January 2020, The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, UK.
Hayward, Tim. (2019) ‘Investigating War Crimes in Syria: justice and accountability or politics and deception? (The case of OPCW, IIM and their conjunction)